Sunday, November 28, 2010

Importance of influence....

We are all aware that having an influence on others is quite powerful.  History has shown us that this power can be used for good or evil.  Jim Jones is a clear example on how one can mold the minds of others into becoming dependent on their masters.  Oprah Winfrey has divined how vital trust is in becoming influential.  One might ask how can I be an influencer?  The task is not simple.  You can become an influencer through ideas, and/or your reputation within the workplace gives you the earned respect.  Most innovators develop a passion for a service or business that may exist, but their idea enhances this business or service.  In my opinion, you must think outside the box to generate this idea.  With your experience and or reputation, those who believe in it will follow your idea.  From then on, your thoughts may turn into a phenomenon.  The key is to get others involved in order to become a true influencer.  I don’t find it necessary to be looked upon as a credible source on a grand scale.  For one, your opinions will be scrutinized constantly if you are known worldwide.  Whereas, receiving critiques on a local level may be less overwhelming.  It depends on what one can handle.  There are many ways in becoming an influencer.  How are you going to share your ideas with the world? 

Importance of influence...

INFLUENCERS TRAILER from R+I creative on Vimeo.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Antics, antics, antics!!!

Antics, antics, antics!!!

Well know that Kanye West is a passionate individual. One can clearly notice that he suffers from “only child syndrome”. I empathize with Mr. West because I too am an only child. However, I have mastered my self-centeredness because my family will not accept fools. Kanye’s outburst has become quite comical. It does make you wonder if he has the right people around him. We all have opinions. The thing is, what makes this man believe that his voice is more vital than others? He has an amazing platform to be the voice for those silenced. Yet his message in which he rants about can be pointless. My blood comes from those who have lost their lives for freedom and the pursuit of happiness. Kanye West is losing his mind in making everyone notice his “greatness”. I enjoy his music. We all have seen how the personal lives of an artist can affect their artistry in a negative way. I just hope that the glass house in which Kanye’s career exists doesn’t shatter from his own power.